Michael Hegedus
About the Project
In 2012 Artists Image Resource (AIR) organized a project with Michael Hegedus. Michael was working on a large format screenprint that incorporated the printing of 1 million small dots on a large rectangular paper surface. Being a printer himself, Michael was able to separate the dots into 5 layers of 200,000 dots each. Each payer was registered into the previously printed layer to create the overall print. The layers and the printing sessions were organized to allow for different colors to be pushed through the screens at various moments. During the project Michael also printed other variations of the dot structures including circles and rectangles organized with fewer dots.
Michael Hegedus, Matthew Forrest, Bill Rodgers, Michael Budai, Ian Short, Robert Beckman
About Michael Hegedus
Michael Hegedus Is an artist and accomplished printmaker. Michael has a BFA from The University of Pittsburgh. Michael has been assisting with production, education and community access projects with Artists Image Resource since 2010.